TODAY’S MEDITATION – When a Little Man Meets a Big God (Luke 19:1-10)

Zacchaeus was a renegade in the eyes of the religious people of his time, working as a tax collector. In the minds of people, he was seen as a robber. Now, while he was very wealthy and successful by the world’s standards, he knew something was missing in his life. He heard that Jesus was going to pass in his area on His way to Jerusalem. But He had two problems: the first was that he was a short man. His second problem was spiritual ­ his sins were keeping him from Jesus. Yet, he was resourceful. He ran ahead of the crowd, looking for a way to see Jesus and really didn’t care what others thought of his sprinting or his climbing up a tree. He did not allow anything, not the crowd or his condition, to stand between him and his desire to see the Lord Jesus. What about you? Do you care enough about the condition of your soul to pay whatever price is necessary to be right with God? In the end, Jesus noticed Zacchaeus, called him by his name, and told him that He must come to His house. Jesus knew right where Zacchaeus was because He knew all about him. My brother, my sister, It is the same for you: Jesus knows exactly where you are… He sometimes calls you by your name? But do you hear Him? Yes, every day, the Lord is ready to come to you and invite Himself at your table: “If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). This can only be achieved if you have a true relationship with Him. My friend, What stage are you at in your life today? Are you seeking Jesus earnestly? If so, don’t give up, because, as you do so, He will come and dine with you because He longs to show you His love and to bring changes to your life in ways you cannot even imagine. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.

