The Bible teaches us that we are saved by grace through our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, not by deeds. However, many people believe that because we are living in the time of grace, grace excludes obedience to the Word of God.
My brother, my sister, love for the others and for God is the response of those whom God has forgiven. If you can’t display love as Jesus is asking us to, then you don’t know God who is LOVE! How will your love be expressed? Through the fruits you bear, my friend. It would certainly be a huge surprise for you if you planted apples and corn come up, wouldn’t it? So, know that God Himself has established the law of harvesting what we have planted: “As long as the earth endures, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Genesis 8:22).
So, if you plant gossips about your friends, you will reap losing their friendship; if you plant hatred, you will reap hatred… If you plant love, you will reap love… If you plant to please your own desires, you will harvest a crop of sorrow and evil… If you plant to please God, you will harvest joy and everlasting life. Yes, every action you take in your life has results.
Check yourself and your life, what are the negative things that keep repeating themselves or that you believe are not right. Yet, the Word of God says once you have Christ, you ought to be transformed to become more like Him and be a representation of His glory: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
As you read these words today (if you feel you are not concerned, you may know someone who is, so advise them!), if you know there are areas of your life that are not right, don’t look over your shoulder looking for a scapegoat, check the seeds you are planting, then go back to the Lord and ask Him to help you to start planting the right seeds in order to live according to His principles, no longer according to yours or those of people around you. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.