My brother, my sister, God explained the reasons for Israel’s suffering. Could He be talking to you and me directly too? Yes, He is… because “we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). You see, Israel’s lawless behaviour had brought the twin judgements of increased violence and ecological crisis to the nation. Of cours…e, we know, from the story of Job and many others in the Bible that there is not always a direct cause-and-effect relationship between our actions and the problems we may face. Nevertheless, when we are facing difficulties, we should first check ourselves and seriously ask: ‘have I done anything sinful or irresponsible that has caused my suffering?’
Today’s passage says this: “Hear the word of the Lord, O people of Israel! The Lord has brought charges against you, saying: “There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land. 2 You make vows and break them; you kill and steal and commit adultery. There is violence everywhere- one murder after another. 3 That is why your land is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea are disappearing. 4 “Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! My complaint, you priests, is with you.”
Today’s Christians are so quick passing the blame. Read verse 4. the Lord says: “Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame”. Yes, my friend, we should learn that when we discover that we are at fault, even partially, we must change our ways before God will help us. God sees and knows everything we do, say or think. And we tend to blame others when we fear punishment for wrongdoing. However, our sins are often largely our fault, our refusal to obey God. In our walk with God, we should not do things according to what the others do or don’t do… we should do things out of love for our Lord and Saviour. That is the reason why God did not allow His people to believe they can afford to neglect their own irresponsible actions.
My friend, it is the same for us today: God will not allow us to blame others for our sinfulness: we are responsible for the decisions we make and for our sinful actions. Besides, beware that, the more you blame others, the more you reject the Holy Spirit’s action that can convince you of your need to repent. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.