Today’s verses say: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”. But, let us also read the prayer of King Solomon (Psalm 72:1-20).
My brother, my sister, what qualities do you want to see in your leaders? God desi…res all who rule under Him to be just and righteous. My friend, today, let’s all think how the world would change if world leaders would commit themselves to these two qualities. Sadly enough, most countries in the world are led by people who care more about their own well-being and career than they care about the people. Worse, the same thing is also present in our churches where some ministers of God care more about their ministry than the work and the Kingdom of God.
Now, the question is? Why is that happening? Maybe because, we, the children of God, are not well positioned in prayer to ask the Almighty to touch the hearts of the leaders. Today, the believers react worst that unbelievers, criticising, engaging in gossip on leaders or people in positions of authority instead of praying for them.
My friend, let us all begin to pray for our leaders to see that they need Jesus so that He may help them to lead the people whom He entrusted to them with justice and righteousness. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.