Why many believers are spiritually dissatisfied? Because they are always looking for ways to be satisfied by the Law, and in reality, despite having accepted Jesus, their past is always in their present, and nothing changes in their lives. My brother, my sister, no one can claim to be fulfilled without the help of God and the help of God came into the world in the form of the Word made flesh, who perfectly fulfilled the Law. The Bible says that the law was given to us so that we realize how sinful we are and also so that we know that there is no other way by which we can be saved: our own thoughts, our resources, our money, our character, our good deeds, our family, etc… none of these can save us. However, you need to accept and believe in “the Seed to whom the promise referred had come” (Galatians 3:19). Christ came long ago, so why are you still looking for the Law for your salvation? You do not need to do well or to perfect yourself: He wants you to come the way you are: He is the perfection, abide in Him and in His Word and He will show you the way to to do good and to become perfect!
Also, as we are preparing to celebrate, let us remember especially the time of Jesus’ death by recognizing that the world is no longer condemned to death because of His death! Yes, today, the second day after He was crucified is the symbol of the time when you died in your sins. My friend, this day is the ultimate offer of a new covenant, in other words new promises that God has made with you: forgiveness and eternal life that comes from the Holy Spirit! Yes, Jesus had to die for you to be able to receive forgiveness and the Spirit of God that gives new life to all who believe in Christ. Realise that the death of Jesus today has opened very large doors for you, so stop feeling sorry for yourself, but rather give everything you are the one who can understand and get you out of your past life… accept to die today with Christ so that your life can take a new meaning tomorrow with His Resurrection. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.