Many believers, today, still don’t understand that on God’s new covenant that we received through the sacrifice of the cross, God’s law is now inside of us. It is no longer an external set of rules and principles. My brother, my sister, the Holy Spirit reminds us of Christ’s words, activates our conscience, influences our motives and desires and makes us want to obey God. The Bible says: “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13). Now, what is God’s purpose for us? That we have an unbroken relatinship with Him and ultimately be saved!
You see, doing God’s will is something we desire with all our heart and mind… Many believers are more after God’s blessings and are not interested in having a relationship with Him, because this part is demanding: no one can have a true relationship with God without dying to self! Why? Because in the covenant of grace, Christ offers to forgive our sins and bring us to God through His sacrificial death. This covenant is no longer based on man’s actions but on faith: our forgiveness is no longer through animal sacrifice but through faith. That is the reason why if our heart is not changed, following God’s rules will be unpleasant and difficult. We will rebel against being told how to live, how to obey and practice the Word. The Holy Spirit, however, gives us new desires, helping us want to obey God when we are willing to do so, when we truly enter into the new covenant and begin to walk according to the Word. With a new heart, serving God will become your greatest joy. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.