In this book, Apostle Paul is addressing the children of God because, after many heard that Jesus was to return any moment, they stopped working to just wait… My brother, my sister, are you also just waiting for Christ’s return? You see, we stand much closer to Christ’s return than the time Paul was writing his letters and this makes his message so true for us today: we would be wrong to see the Lord’s imminent return as an excuse for idle waiting and heavenward gazing. First of all, we need to prepare ourselves daily for His coming not only by spreading the Gospel, reaching out to those in need and building the church, His body. Secondly, there is a bright hope for all who believe, and many around us have not yet believed! And it is not because you think you are already saved that you have to sneak into heaven alone… My friend, this is the time we, Christians, should be even more busy in the field of the Kingdom, living purely, using our time well and working for the Kingdom of God. Some believers often say they don’t know what to do as Christians? Really? Then today open the book of 2 Thessalonians and you will find out what you can do as the time is near and there is no more time for Christians to patiently watch for Christ’s return, but they have to roll up their sleeves and work for Him while they wait… let’s make a priority to empty the world of people who still don’t know our Lord and Saviour. Reject the idea of your friends and family resisting the Lord, preach to them whenever you can, invite them to church programmes… do something but stop doing nothing, and the Lord will do His part for those you reach out! Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [facebook] [retweet]