“Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.” Yes, God has called us to keep His commands and reminds us that His laws are not hidden from us or beyond our reach. My brother, my sister, have you ever said you would obey God IF you knew what He wanted? Then this shows you do not know His Word… Have you ever complained that obedience is too difficult for a mere human being like you? Then, you do not know His Word… You see, you have no acceptable excuses because God’s laws are written in the Bible and obeying them is reasonable, sensible and beneficial. The part that was difficult for you, God even removed it from you because, had He not sent Jesus to die for you on the cross, you would have been sacrificing pure lambs, which I guess would have been extinguished by now, so perhaps you would have been sacrificing pure chicken or pure bulls every day instead to be forgiven and to try and be saved by the law, which was impossible because it means you would have to live a perfect life and not sinning once (Romans 10:5-8). So, know that the most difficult part of obeying God’s laws is simply making the decision to start now. My friend, you may not feel concerned by this word but know someone who is. Remind them that God loves them, and all they need to do is making the decision to start obeying Him… Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.