In these verses, Ananias caused Paul to outburst as a result of an illegal command he had given. Indeed, Ananias violated Jewish law by assuming that Paul was guilty without a trial and ordering his punishment (Deuteronomy 19:15). So, Paul said “I’m sorry, brothers, I didn’t realize he was the high priest” (verse 5). My brother, my sister, this probably happened because Ananias’s command broke the law he was pledged to represent. In our churches today, so many believers (including leaders) are acting as if Jesus did not teach ways to behave in order for us to be recognized as Christians. Many people like to claim to be the ambassadors of Christ, yet their way of living shouts they are ambassadors of the world. Yes, my friend, a true Christian represents Jesus Christ, the humble servant who lived a life of sacrifice despite being the Son of the living God. So, if someone you know tells you one day that “I didn’t know you were a Christian”, then you have failed to represent Jesus as you should. Let’s keep in mind that we are not merely Christ’s followers: we are His representatives to the others, to the world wherever we are, not only in our church or our home. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.