“Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’” (John 20:29) This verse teaches us that Jesus placed a greater blessing on those who believe without seeing than those who believe because they have seen. In other words, there is a greater anointing on believing the Word than believing signs and wonders. My brother, my sister, believing in signs and wonders is good, but the Bible tells us that Jesus used them to draw people unto Himself. Now, if you who have already believed in Him are still looking for them to believe He is at work in your life, then there is a problem in your faith. Therefore, you need to know that the ultimate, the more sure word of prophecy you may want to hear is in the written Word of God. That is the reason why our Lord says there is a greater blessing on just believing God’s Word than there is on believing because of the supernatural things we see happening in our churches. Those who are looking for miracles to confirm their faith will fail when the strong battles of unbelief come. So, as true believers, we have to get our faith rooted in God’s Word above anything else. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name. [retweet] [facebook]