These days, many people want honours only and their mouth promises things quicker than they are truly willing to give or do. My brother, my sister, Ezra is the example that shows us that God rewards our faithfulness and our true commitment. Attending church or making good promises of things you will do or give when God blesses you does not mean you are committed to God at all. Many make these promises, and when God gives them, they do as if the promise never existed! We then understand why God says “Cursed is the one who trusts in man” (Jeremiah 17:5).
My friend, the Bible tells us that it is because Ezra praised God for all that God had done for him and through him, honouring God THROUGHOUT his life, that God chose to honour him before the king (verses 27-28). Indeed, Ezra did not only know the Word of God, but he believed and obeyed it. The wisdom that comes from the fear of God and the knowledge of the Scriptures were so obvious in him that the king appointed him to lead the second emigration to Jerusalem in order to teach the people God’s Word and to administer national life (verses 14-26) What a wonderful privilege!
We are not different from this man. As we read his book we discover a humble, obedient helpers. We can say that we are humble, obedient, committed… well, only our actions really say who we are. Humility, obedience and commitment are just words flying in the air when they are not actioned with a selfless service to God and to His children. God wants to use someone who is ready to become a model for many, but the life of such a person should focus on God, not on family, business, money, securities, the church, basically everything that is material, visible and appreciated by oneself or our the others… Jesus must become the center of our lives so that our commitment is real and produces a great spiritual awakening in ourselves and around us. The year is ending in a few days… can each of us look at this year and be certain that Jesus is looking from the right hand of God and saying ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! in 2015 you have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things in 2016. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:23). Yes, many people want important titles, promotion, more responsibilites at church or at work, more money… The Lord looks at our hearts and minds. Can He trust us to give us more next year? You alone can provoke the Lord’s action through your commitment and obedince to His Word. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.