Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… SHARE Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… SHARE Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this …
Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… SHARE Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… SHARE Here we have a number of collections of events. Information about this event goes here… SHARE
Beaucoup de croyants prient pour avoir la victoire dans leur vie, ne sachant pas que la victoire fait déjà partie de leur vie. Mon frère, ma sœur, arrête de courrir après la victoire… vis la victoire, parce que la victoire est un don gratuit que tu as déjà reçu de Dieu. Oui, la Bible dit …
MÉDITATION DU JOUR – Comment vivre une vie de victoire en Christ? (1 Corinthiens 15:57) Read More »
So many believers pray to have victory in their lives, not knowing victory is already part of their lives. My brother, my sister, stop running after victory… live the life of victory, because victory is a free gift you have already received from God. Yes, the Bible says ” But thanks be to God! He …
TODAY’S MEDITATION – How do I live a life of victory in Christ? (1 Corinthians 15:57) Read More »
Today it is not uncommon to hear believers and even preachers preach that believers will not be judged in the end. My brother, my sister, Jesus clearly says that we will be judged if and when we judge another person! It is a serious topic that must be addressed in the Body of Christ. The …
TODAY’S MEDITATION – Do not judge! (Matthew 7:1) Read More »
Aujourd’hui, il n’est pas rare d’entendre des croyants et même des prédicateurs prêcher que les croyants ne seront pas jugés à la fin. Mon frère, ma sœur, Jésus dit clairement que tu seras juger si et quand tu juges une autre personne! C’est un sujet sérieux qui doit être abordé dans le Corps du Christ. …
MÉDITATION DU JOUR – Ne juge pas! (Matthieu 7:1) Read More »
God has a great plan for all believers and it is His will to grant us, His covenant people, great blessings: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double …
Dieu a un grand plan pour tous les croyants et c’est Sa volonté de nous accorder, à nous Son peuple de l’alliance, de grandes bénédictions: “Consolez, consolez mon peuple, Dit votre Dieu. Parlez au coeur de Jérusalem, et criez lui Que sa servitude est finie, Que son iniquité est expiée, Qu’elle a reçu de la …
My brother, my sister, today as you are reading this message, open your heart to the Lord who is knocking asking you to become consistent in your walk with Him. Has your going to church become a simple routine or is an important part of your life that you cannot joke with? The sad truth …