Today’s passage says this: ” Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice.
Surely the Lord has done great things! Do not be afraid, you wild animals, for the pastures in the wilderness are becoming green. The trees are bearing their fruit; the fig tree and the vine yield their riches”.
My brother, my sister, Jesus brought us hope and life where there was despair and death. If today, there is fear in your heart (fear not to get what your heart desires, fear not to do things that you really want to do, any fear…) remember that God has already done great things in your life and there is no reason He will not continue. So be glad and rejoice for God’s intervention (verse 21).
Yes, my friend, allow the Lord to intervene in your life. Then you will rejoice in that day because you will have nothing to fear. God will one day replace your fasting, your prayers, the plague that threatens you and mourning into feasting, harvesting and songs of praise. Until that day comes, the Lord’s day, we can allow Him to rule our lives and to restore us to make us whole again. What should we do in the meantime then? We must remember that Jesus does not promise that all His followers will be prosperous as the world considers prosperity. The Lord’s prosperity goes far beyond material things: when you receive God’s forgiveness that restores your relationship with Him, the joy of salvation and the peace that is beyond human understanding are far more valuable than any earthly good… and the icing on the cake is that God promises to meet the deepest needs of those who love Him and because of His love for us, He also gives us a purpose in life and a Christian family so that we are not isolated. So, rejoice with the assurance that God is at work in your life. No matter what happens to you, He is doing something right now for your situation, for your life… Soon and very soon you will see pastures in the wilderness becoming green and trees bearing their fruit for you to enjoy life abundantly! Only believe and you will surely see it come to pass. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.