Today’s passage says this: “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law.” My brother, my sister, Christ didn’t just happen to come on earth when He did. He arrived by appointment of His Father, who is also your Father. Yes, it was a part of God’s eternal purpose.
My friend, Jesus came at a specific time, to a specific place, born to specific people, and in a specific setting. So, in the same manner, I believe that we are where we are, when we are, alive in this specific day and hour, under divine appointment and plan. This is a specific time that God has ordained, and there is a specific heavenly agenda that He wants to be carried out through each one of us. Just as He ordained that His Son be transferred from heaven to earth, God ordained that specific things be transferred from heaven to earth for you and me, so that we can become an active part of what He wants to do: that His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
But what do we do to facilitate such the move of God? What do we do to enable God to manifest His holy presence on earth?What must we do, or become, or embrace in order to enable ourselves to be used in this manner? The truth is that all we need is to live for Jesus through self-sacrifice for God to really use us the way He planned and intended. Today, think about how you could make yourself available to the Lord. He is a faithful God and He is looking for selfless, determined and persevering who fear Him, who trust in him no matter what happens around them.
My friend, let’s learn to abandon ourselves to God’s power and Spirit, and let Him do something great in and through us, for We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.