Becoming a Christian is a step. Living the Christian life is a decision and a purpose to be set as a believer. My brother, my sister, once we accept Jesus, the Spirit of God comes and dwell in our heart. Sometimes, we hear people singing “come Spirit of God”? That’s wrong, since you don’t need to invite someone who is already in your home to come in (unless He is not!), for the Bible says: “You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you” (Romans 8:9). Therefore, once in Christ, it is very important for us to hide (keep) God’s Word in our hearts, because this is a deterrent to sin. My friend, God say, “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledg” (Hosea 4:6). Yes, many people quote thhe Scriptures but don’t apply them… that’s lack of knowledge, because the Bible tells us many times to do the commands of God. Many people do not read the Word to learn directly from the Lord… that’s lack of knowledge, because God speaks to us through His Word, and why do you content yourself with listening to a disciple (your pastor for example) while Christ is available? My friend, knowing the Bible is not about quoting a Bible verse off by heart… no one can know all Bible verses, but it is about memorizing at least the verses that apply to a situation that you are going through. Let me clarify this: imagine you are struggling with a sense of guilt, if you don’t know the Word says now “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1), Satan will continue playing with you accusing you and making you feel guilty… even after you have repented. The same, knowing the Word (not only memorising the Word) will not keep us from sin: we must also put God’s Word to work in our lives, making it a vital guide for everything we do, all circumstances. Stay blessed in Jesus’ name.